Rob's Festshop
A surprise workshop for Rob van der Sandt's 60th birthday

Day 1: Monday, May 22, 2006, at Galerie Marzee

Nick Asher - The long and the short of names and pops in discourse (.pdf)

Corien Bary - The tragic aorist in Ancient Greek

David Beaver - The new mythology of conventional implicature

Reinhard Blutner - Embedding implicatures: global or local? (.pdf) (.ppt)

Johan Bos - Three short stories on computerized presupposition projection (.pdf) (.ppt)

Peter Bosch - Processing VP anaphora (.pdf)

Robert van Rooij - Strengthening conditional presuppositions (.pdf)

Janneke Huitink - Presuppositions as conversational implicatures (.pdf)

Dinner at De Schat and drinks at De Blauwe Hand

Day 2: May 23, 2006, at Galerie Marzee

Hans Kamp - Again

Emar Maier - Indexicals: direct reference or presupposition? (.pdf)

Jennifer Spenader - Sloppy sluicing

Martin Stokhof - Science's shadow: scientism in philosophy and semantics (.pdf)

Noor van Leusen - Fusing binding and satisfaction in Logical Description Grammar

Bart Geurts - Implicature is a discourse phenomenon (.pdf)

Henk Zeevat - Generalized presupposition theory (.pdf)

Ede Zimmermann - Remarks on depiction verbs (.pdf)


(for corrections/comments/additions to this site, email Emar)